Add Option to Always Sort by Rarity
under review
Yanik Pahl
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Use steam pricing and sort by rarity (on all items)
These are pretty much the only reasons i usually go back to csgostash, most people don't care or use 3rd party sites.
And sorting by rarity is always consistent so you know where to look when searching an item, popularity just seems random.
Yanik Pahl
Merged in a post:
Sitewide filters
The advanced search is great although Id love to have all the pages sorted by say rarity so I dont need to change it each time I check a different weapon. Essentially an option to change the "order by" search as a global setting, could be in with the currency setting. ok i just scrolled down and saw another person with the same request sorry pls adddd
Yanik Pahl
under review
Yanik Pahl
Hey, thanks for your feedback! Could you let me know on which pages you always switch the sorting from popularity to rarity?
Yanik Pahl
Hey, thanks for your suggestion! Could you let me know for which pages you always change the order from popular to rarity? Just the weapon pages, or others as well?
Yanik Pahl just weapons yeah, I find it’s easier to locate whichever skin quicker since there always in the same spot