Hi there, I’m leaving this request today as I would like to discuss a pressing matter to do with skins. I’ve noticed csgoskins.gg making posts and responses on reddit regarding the determination of fade values based off of an algorithm. I’ve seen these posts and I understand that different websites use different methodology for determining fade values, either through image analysis or through this open source algorithm.
My concern is currently with the MP7 Fade, as when I look at what skins are considered to be 100% fade through image analysis but are not by the algorithm, I notice a large discrepancy in certain areas (only for the MP7). Namely it is to do with patterns 80 (accepted universal 100% fade) and patterns 449 and 576. On Skinport the pattern 449 is considered 99.8%, however concurrently as of this post, there is another pattern seed on Skinport (#73) which Skinport and thus the algorithm considers to also be 99.8% fade. However, in looking at these two seeds there is a massive difference in the shades, and how far the purple reaches. I’ve taken screenshots of these two skins listed on Skinport as proof, but I ask that you take a look for yourself at the difference between pattern seeds 449 and 73. I understand that most consider an algorithm to help with standardisation however I still believe it should be used in conjunction with image analysis as a discrepancy such as the aforementioned one can create mass confusion amongst the community and I would just like a bit more clarification and transparency going forward from here.